Social Emotional Learning » Social Emotional Learning

Social Emotional Learning


Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) is a process through which children understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.
At Pietrini School, we value social emotional learning and understand that a student who does not feel happy, safe, and supported, will not be able to learn and grow to his or her full potential. Our social worker, Mr. Jensen, goes into our classrooms to work with students on expressing feelings, managing emotions and relationships, and creating goals. Our classroom teachers often start the day with a morning check-in in order to monitor student wellness and promote a team mentality. If you have any questions regarding SEL at Pietrini, please reach out to your child's teacher or Mr. Jensen at [email protected].



  • What are my thoughts and feelings?
  • What causes those thoughts and feelings?
  • How can I express my thoughts and feelings respectfully?


  • What different responses can I have to an event?
  • How can I respond to an event as constructively as possible?


  • How can I better understand other people’s thoughts and feelings?
  • How can I better understand why people feel and think the way they do?


  • How can I adjust my actions so that my interactions with different people turn out well?
  • How can I communicate my expectations to other people?
  • How can I communicate with other people to understand and manage their expectations of me?


  • What consequences will my actions have on myself and others?
  • How do my choices align with my values?
  • How can I solve problems creatively?

District 84 provides a continuum of age-appropriate learning experiences for students regarding sexual assault and abuse in compliance with the Illinois School Code and Erin's Law. More Information regarding Erin's Law prevention can be found on Erin's Law Page.